Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Social Media

What is social media? Can it help my business? What social media do you use?

What is social media?
Social media is about connecting with like minded individuals and passing information and sharing content, otherwise known as web 2.0, this is an exciting time to be involved in the internet as you can reach out across the world and tap into potential customers, for instance, I reached out on my birthday through youtube and facebook to say hello to people and spread my message as far as I could across the world, it went to New Zealand, Australia, Falklands and America. This is a simple illustration of how far you can get your company message across.

Can it help my business?
If you can link with people that have a need for your product or information then social media can be a huge benefit to your business. The misconception here, is that numbers or hits are what you are after. Imagine, if you opened your doors to allow 10000 people through, you may consider that great or worthwhile, but if none of them are interested in your product or information then why were they there in the first place. But what if you had 10 people that had a huge interest in your product and they came in, are you more likely to sell to them? This is how social media should be used, find people that have an interest, engage with them and don't try to sell to them.

What Social Media Do You Use?
There are loads of places to start but get involved in youtube, facebook, twitter and google+. Just these few places will take enough of your time, keep a consistent image across all those areas and be prepared to talk, listen and answer. Find out where your likely customers are hanging out, they may have a forum that they congregate in. You need to be where they are.
You can connect with us, via the links on this page and we welcome the opportunity to engage with you. Hopefully you will see from our social that our message is, quality printing, reliable service and helpful people.
Good luck and enjoy your social media.

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