Tuesday 26 June 2012

Die Cut Handle Promotional Bags

The die cut handle promotional bag is little used these days, as the cotton or polypropylene ropes are more in favour. Coupled with the fact that it is a bit more expensive to use, due to the extra processes involved, you tend not to see much of this bag these days. They are however more eco friendly using no polypropylene in their construction (unless you have them laminated).

When used correctly the shape fits in with the design and creates a clever bag that is not offensive too the eyes. See these images below.


The trouble with these bags is the fact that the handle is cut in after manufacture, requiring a specialist cutting out procedure and machine which is very difficult to come by. We offer this service being UK based we have all we need, to hand to produce the job. But you may also like to think a bit laterally and maybe have cut out shapes within the face of bag, well we can do this too. So, use your imagination and think what you would like to do next. Don't forget this is the same process for a ribbon tie slot too.

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