Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Deliveries to London During the Olympics 2012

So what is your plan for deliveries to London during the Olympics 2012.  We asked ourselves that same question and then started looking into what was and was not going to be possible, speaking to courier companies and reading the olympic notes and government websites. Well, I trust you have more luck than we did, because it seems there is going to be a shut down of a lane running through London, for the Olympic network route, which is for the sole use of the olympics and moving people to and from the events. This, however, means that the traditional roads which are under pressure anyway will be further pressurised by the loss of one lane.
As far as I can tell this will mean trying to get in and out for delivering goods is going to be a non starter. So businesses throughout London are going to get choked from lack of goods or products. Possibly they will take deliveries overnight, but that would mean increased costs to their business and the courier. We shall be planning as best we can to get our deliveries done before and after the Olympics, but there will be emergencies, as I am certain there will be for many other people. So I wonder what exactly will happen in these instances.
If you have any thoughts or comments please use the channels available on this page to get in touch as we would love to hear other's thoughts on the situation.
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