Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Paper Laminated Bags In Less Than Five Days A Tough Ask

Date: Monday 30th January 2012
Situation: customer in desperate need of rope handled paper laminated bags for a show on Friday 3rd February 2012

So even in the best of scenarios this is a tough ask, 500 bags 230x70x340 printed 4colour process, gloss laminated and rope handled, and delivered back in just a few days.

Well, Production were fantastic, because the customer was organised and sent through artwork immediately, we were able to lay down on our templates and our production team fit the print into the Wealden Advertiser print run, so that it could dry over Monday night. It was then laminated on Tuesday, and cut and creased Wednesday and delivered to our team of bag constructors, who made them overnight on Wednesday night. On the Thursday they were drilled, roped, packaged and sent out via courier for a pre noon delivery on the Friday.

On Friday morning we checked via twitter they had arrived with the customer who was delighted and they were then taken to the exhibition Friday night for Saturday.

Result: Customer happy and working at their exhibition

Basically, we had all worked together in compiling the various components of a rope handled paper laminated carrier bag to deliver a quality product, right into customer hands on time, on budget. Did you know that to produce a paper carrier bag like the above, it needs to be:
Colour Proofed
Cut and Creased
This is why bags are not generally a quick timescale product, each part of the process requires checking before moving on to the next. 

So for this project, as Head of Special Products, I am grateful to the customer in believing we could do it and their order, to Production for their scheduling and moving of work, Finishing for their timely work, and especially the girls who worked in making up in very tight timescales, and lastly Despatch who worked seamlessly with the Courier to make sure all the aforementioned hard work was not wasted. Simply a brilliant team effort and proof of the quality within the company. 

If you have a project you would like to discuss please feel free to call us on
01580 753322, we welcome a challenge.