Wednesday 10 August 2011

Getting Started

Today is the start of our blog, the good intention is to post often and talk about subjects of note and import within our world. We would hate to make the content too stuffy, but rather keep it personable, friendly and engaging, feedback and comments will always be welcome.

Of course we have many areas within the company to talk about, Advertiser, North Downs, Property, Print, Special Products and Town and Country. We would hope that somehow, each department will contribute and keep the blog alive. My name is Paul Ricketts, keeper of all things social media within the group.

Im starting to map out in my mind where we would like to be taking the blogs, but in the meantime, Im happy to take suggestions on board, and disregard them if they dont work within the master plan, but dont let that stop you from suggesting.

Our next item will be special products, for no other reason than its my department and I want to go first. It is the intention to talk about the products and some of the issues we have, and things to watch out for.

Just for fun here is a link to a page to help you decide about your facebook friends unfriend or not, that is the question. Hopefully, that has helped you rationalise your friends, and immediately made us a source of useful information for you.

See you next time!